⭐️大学受験と謳っていますが、どんな英文にも応用可能です。英検、 TOEIC、TOEFL等全てに活かせます
⭐️論理に基づき、論の展開をとらえ読む ということをしていますか? これができるようになるともちろん点数、偏差値は上がりますし、英文を理解したという自信も高まるでしょう。そして自分でも英語を使えるんじゃないか、という期待が高まります。
Game theory is a branch of mathmarics that examines competitive situations, such as card games and chess matches. Alrhough luck can be involved in a game, the result depends not only on what one player does but also on what all the others do. Thus each player tries to guess other players’ next moves in order to determine his or her own coice. Game theory, then, studies how the result of a game depends on ones own choices and on choices made by the other players as well as on chance in some cases.
池袋の英語塾 Language School 〜航〜
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Email: lsw@lswataru.com