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1日10分英単熟語 英検2級 3

1日10分英単熟語 英検2級 3


今日も英検2級 2011年第3回からです。ここから熟語ゾーンに入ります。


1_10_ 2_ 3




A: Mom, are you listening? This is important. It’s about my plans to go to college.

B: Yes, I’m listening. I’m all (        ).

1 ears                  2 hands               3 toes                   4 eyes



A: I really don’t want to go to today’s meeting. Mr. Lee always asks me lots of hard questions.

B: You have to go, Steve. You can’t just (            ) from your problems. You have to try to solve them.

1 pass over          2 try out                            3 run away         4 go along



A: I don’t want to go to France for our vacation, but my husband insisted.

B: You shouldn’t always let him have his own (        ). Sometimes you should make him do what you want to do.

1 line                   2 case                  3 belief                4 way



Whenever his students get noisy, Mr. Reinhart stands at the front of the room with his arms (        ) and waits for them to be quiet.

1 stuck                2 connected         3 folded               4 caught



A: Two hundred dollars a night! That seems expensive for a hotel.

B: Actually, it’s pretty cheap if you take into (        ) the fact that the price includes two meals.

1 appearance      2 experience        3 account             4 export



1_10_ 2_ 3




答え(11) 4 (12) 3 (13) 4 (14) 3 (15) 3



広告 昼間部


ブロードバンド ロゴ的



Language School ~航~
住所:〒171-0022 東京都豊島区南池袋3-18-30 ファースト日野ビル2F

Language School ~航~
伊藤ビル 6階608
電話番号 : 03-6271-8659


